Chapter 593

Following the script given by Revna, the girls constructed their identities, creating the illusion that they came from faraway lands but had a powerful force behind them.

During the last three days, some of the girls intentionally managed to get into trouble and solve everything by force. Although the method was crude, in less than three days, the rumors about the girl group from other lands had already spread throughout the city.

Of course, although the society in the Martial Sovereign World was more violent than the one on earth, it wasn’t as if the locals were a bunch of bloodthirsty savages either, so violence couldn’t be the only tool they used. That’s where the talents of Sasha and Cecilia came in.

Sasha had studied the alchemy of the Martial Sovereign World thanks to the book Desmond brought her from his first trip. So, after experimentation, Sasha began to produce the recipes in the book with the materials she acquired through trade in this world.

Due to the similarities between the alchemy systems, Sasha didn’t have too much trouble making the adjustments. It was fortunate that she had studied the local alchemy in depth while she used it as a base to make advances in her own system.

At the start of her third day in the city, Sasha found her way to a pavilion that traded in medicine and cultivation resources. Two hours later, Sasha emerged from the pavilion wearing an emblem of the alchemist association, with a couple of employees following behind her as they loaded a large number of materials.

Wherever she went, people looked at Sasha with admiration and longing, the combination of her beauty with the status of an alchemist turning out to be a fatal attraction. It was good that people always tried to avoid getting into trouble with alchemists. Otherwise, Sasha would have had a headache as she returned to her and the girls’ temporary residence in the city.

Once one thought about it, it was only natural that people wouldn’t mess with alchemists. After all, who would stir up trouble with someone who could save their lives with their medicines or poison them to death if the opportunity arose?


Of course, Sasha wasn’t the type to use poisons; she didn’t appreciate such methods. However, that didn’t stop her from doing some research about it. In addition to creating some very powerful antidotes, Sasha created many deadly poisons. Still, they all ended up stored somewhere in her cellar. Little did Sasha know that Desmond had no qualms about carrying some of those poisons with him, just in case.

Regardless of the details, Sasha was now ready for the next part of her role in the group. With the resources of this world that had unique properties and rich Aura, Sasha was preparing to create a batch of pills and potions to help the entire party temper their bodies.

Although none of the girls were Aura users, Desmond had insisted on more than one occasion that they should never neglect physical strengthening, and he always explained why. For a user of the three energies, the physical body would always be the base or the container of everything. That made having a certain level of physical strength necessary to continue advancing using the three energies.

While Sasha was preparing to lock herself in her rented alchemy workshop, Cecilia was in another part of town carrying out her part of the job. As the light-filled soul that Cecilia has always been, tasks of assassination or deception were not her forte. So, Revna gave the girl a very simple task; she made connections. Using her natural near-sacred charisma, Cecilia didn’t take long to make friends with some noblewomen related to the roaming cloud sect.

Using some beauty products that Sasha made for leisure, Cecilia made and strengthened her connections with the noble ladies at a terrifying rate. In an almost comical way, Cecilia’s sincerity and good intentions made her the perfect spy.

The girls understood the city more deeply through Cecilia’s connections and learned some pretty interesting things. Apparently, around five years had passed since the tournament Desmond participated in when he was in this world, and a lot had happened.

One of the sects in the area had died shortly after Desmond left the Martial Sovereign World. Under the combined attack of the other sects in the region, the Blood Scorpion Sect was wiped out in less than a year. Less than half a year later, the remaining remnants and rebels had been hunted to extinction.

After the war, the victorious sects divided up the territory and resources of the Blood Scorpion Sect, which led them to grow in strength. With the addition of some mines and other resources that the sects found seemingly out of nowhere, each remaining sect became much stronger.

Unfortunately, the increase in the power of the sects could not keep pace with the increase in their resources which caused some neighboring territories to turn their attention to them.

Just three years after Desmond left the Martial Sovereign World, the war had broken out again, covering two halfling territories of blood. Massively, lives were lost, and the slaughter did not stop for almost two years.

Eventually, the war ended without a winner as other territories began to look down on the weakening participants in the war. The two territories had to stop the war for fear of being attacked.

After the war, the roaming cloud sect absorbed the alchemist sect neighboring them. So even though wounded by the war, the sect still developed smoothly.

The interesting thing was that even now, five years after the tournament, Desmond entered for the hand of Miao Xiauyue, the daughter of the roaming cloud sect master, still had to marry someone.

Back then, no one took Mei Fei Long’s victory seriously, so even now, it is believed that the young princess of the Miao clan had yet to find love.

Of course, that was on the outside. It was no secret to most of the sect members and some of the city’s residents that Miao Xiauyue’s preferences were somewhat strange. Almost all of them knew that the sect master’s daughter had an affair with Mei Fei Long, the silver dragon of the roaming cloud sect.

It should be noted that no rumors or anything like that had been heard about a wedding happening between the two girls. Hence, the deadline for the mission for which Claire and the rest were sent to the Sovereign Martial World remains a mystery.

Speaking of Claire, her role in the girls’ adjustment to the city was basically to replace Desmond. Leaving aside the romantic aspects of such a thing, Claire’s role was to take the reins and handle administrative and miscellaneous matters. At the same time, she kept the other girls in check.

It wasn’t until Claire took on that role that she understood how difficult it was to be Desmond. From keeping all household affairs to other tasks of an administrative nature, Claire had to do it all. On top of that, Claire had to replace Desmond as Sasha’s babysitter. Claire got a headache every time she tried to get Sasha out of her lab to eat or take a shower.

At the same time, Claire had to listen to Cecilia’s progress on her mission and guide the girl in her tasks with Revna’s advice. Unfortunately for Claire, after Cecilia’s report came Revna’s report on her activities.

Every time Revna arrived at Claire’s resting place with documents in her hands, Claire felt the urge to break out in tears. In the past, Claire had ridiculed Desmond for his excessive hatred of paperwork; now karma had come to punish Claire.

In less than three days, Revna had roamed the entire underworld of the roaming cloud city, murdering, looting, and extorting people left and right. Revna had essentially two goals: track down any hostile forces paying attention to the newly arrived girls in the city, and muddy the waters to make it harder to gather information on them.

Only Claire knew the amount of false information Revna had put around the city through various means to make it harder to learn anything about them.

During those three days, not everything was without incident. Revna had run into some experts during her missions that he could barely deal with. If not for Revna’s prowess in assassination and stealth, Revna might have been killed during at least two of those missions. The fighters at the disposal of the criminal organizations in the city were more powerful than expected.

It was partly due to those near-death experiences Revna went through that the girls decided to put their more aggressive plans on hold, at least until they could increase their strength with Sasha’s pills and potions.

After all, Revna was the deadliest fighter of the group as long as Sasha didn’t go all out. Still, the latter was a city destroyer fire waiting to happen, so it wasn’t the best option to let her be the one to fight.

Although it was a long three days filled with incidents and hard work, the girls were adjusting well to the sovereign martial world. They were ready to use the environment and resources to their advantage to become stronger now that they had established their foundation in the city.

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